Kodi est vraiment votre magasin vedette en matière de divertissement. Contenu du sujet. Obtenez un VPN pour débloquer des canaux et rester anonyme; Meilleures applications IPTV gratuites pour Android ou Android Fire (alternatives Kodi) Meilleurs plugins gratuits IPTV Kodi. cCloud TV; Sport; BBC iPlayer; iTV; Goodfellas 2.0; Fabriqué au Canada IPTV; Star Tec; Liste d'Adryan; StreamZ TV GoodFellas Kodi Add-On. di androidaba · 13/03/2017 ; NUOVA VERSIONE 2.0.1. Le nostre ricerche non si fermano e anche oggi vi proponiamo un Kodi add-on davvero molto interessante, GoodFellas. Il progetto comprende un menù molto ricco di contenuti tra cui movies, concerti, musica, cartoni animati, canali tv, video XXX per adulti e tanto altro. GoodFellas è installabile tramite l’omonima Sorti il y a peu, Kodi Krypton ou Kodi 17, vient d’être rejoint par une première mise à jour 17.1 qui apporte son lot de correctifs à la version précédente. Si votre solution n’appréciait pas spécialement la dernière mouture de l’application, il est possible que cette nouvelle venue corrige des problèmes rencontrés. Now, click on Goodfellas 2.0 and click the Install button. Wait for the notification message. To access, go to Add-ons > Video Add-ons > Goodfellas. Those are the steps you need to follow for the addon on the Krypton (v17) version. Now, we’ll show you the instructions for Jarvis. How to Install the Goodfellas Addon for Kodi v16 Jarvis
Goodfellas Kodi addon is not a new addon and has been around the corner for much time. It allows the user to play videos, music, Live TV channels or stream sports. Nowadays GoodFellas also hosts documentary videos/movies viewed and enjoyed by the various age group of people. It is a useful add-on for the younger ones who gather information of day to day life through news channels. Goodfellas
Goodfellas Kodi addon is an all in one addon where you can find everything. It allows you streaming sports, news, movies, documentaries, and much more. The main menu consists of 24 sub-categories. Each category has a separate section. Free Tv channels, Sports and News channels, these three categories are about watching Live Tv. There is a search option available which make you a great deal …
Goodfellas Kodi addon is an all in one addon where you can find everything. It allows you streaming sports, news, movies, documentaries, and much more. The main menu consists of 24 sub-categories. Each category has a separate section. Free Tv channels, Sports and News channels, these three categories are about watching Live Tv. There is a search option available which make you a great deal …
Goodfellas 2.0 Kodi Addon ReviewGoodfellas is an all in one addon. Though its featuring lots of contents, Its IPTV is awesome. You can access live TV under Free TV Channels. It consists of US/UK/Canadian channels, News channels, and Sports channels. Goodfellas also has other media like Audiobooks, Arts & Crafts, Culinary, Sounds/ Meditations, Outdoors, Military, […] Goodfellas: il surtout très réputé pour la qualité de streaming, ses fonctionnalités riches, sa facilité d’accès ainsi que la fiabilité de ses flux. USTV Now : cet addon vous donne accès gratuitement aux plus grands réseaux sur Kodi, à savoir : Fox, CBS, NBC, CW, etct. 18/12/2019
GoodFellas Build Wizard In this wizard you will find the latest GoodFelas build.Without work from the Devs and Streaming Websites this would not of been possible! Thanks whufclee@ TotalXBMC,GUYS @ TI, FTG, MuckyDuck, ][NT3L][G3NC][ for the app installer and all Developers who created add-ons used in my build. Also a very special Thanks to
12/09/2018 Goodfellas Kodi addon is one of the best videos addon for watching the latest movies. Goodfellas Kodi addon will allow the user to play the videos, music, Live Tv channels. Nowadays Documentary videos/movies are mostly viewed and enjoyed by the various age groups people. Goodfellas Kodi addon is very helpful to the younger person who… Kodi (formerly XBMC) is a free and open source media player application developed by the XBMC/Kodi Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating-systems and hardware platforms, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files Comme avec cCloud TV et Goodfellas 2,0, ouvrez Kodi, cliquez sur l’icône « Paramètres » dans l’écran principal, ensuite faites « Paramètres Système » puis « Add-ons » et « Sources Inconnues ». Mettez après le switch sur ON et validez avec « Oui », quand le message d’avertissement viendra. L’installation peut donc commencer. Les raisons pour lesquelles Goodfellas 2.0 est si populaire sont nombreuses. C’est un des rares addons qui coche toutes les cases de vos besoins pour une extension Kodi IPTV.Que ce soit une bonne qualité de streaming, un grand nombre d’options, la facilité d’accès, ou la fiabilité de ses flux; Goodfellas 2.0 a tout. Le nom Goodfellas est populaire parmi les utilisateurs de Kodi Planned TV series based on the 1990 film 'Goodfellas', which follows gangster Henry Hill and his friends as they move up the mob hierarchy. Kodi figure parmi les meilleurs programmes de diffusion vidéo. Que ce soit pour écouter de la musique ou pour une utilisation plus approfondie des fichiers multimédias, ce programme offre des
GoodFellas 2.0 Addon Kodi 16.1 Jarvis is the updated version of the earlier version of the Goodfellas Kodi. It is a great Kodi for sports enthusiasts and comes with a lot of content related to sports and live TV channels. It pulls in links from many sources like the popular Specto Fork add-on. Setup & Install GoodFellas 2.0 Addon Kodi 16.1 Jarvis . Go to the kodi main menu go to System–>File
20 Jan 2020 Read out to find the best sports addon for Kodi. The 2.0 version of Goodfellas is one of the best live sports addons we have come across.